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Mt. Alexander Secondary

What a great few days with the Mt Alexander Year Sevens!

So much was achieved and conquered in such a small amount of time!

The development in team work and overall strength and resilience was INCREDIBLE!

We challenged our fears on the Giant Swing, High Wire and the Summit Window.

We put our fear of the dark and small spaces to the test in the Cave.

Our ability to strategise and work together became useful during Laser Skirmish and the Bush Challenge, however they were Essential during the Monster Course!

It was during the Monster Course where we all really had to dig deep and think of the team rather than ourselves, we had to give more than we thought we could and it was because of this that afterwards we felt INCREDIBLE. Well-done to everyone who learnt what it truly means to be a team player and Play All In, I know all the coaches and teachers were very impressed!

We had some epic moments and so many of our favourite times with you guys weren’t even the activities. We played so many games, you performed some epic chants and we spent time dancing and shouting and just running a muck which was so awesome!

We were all not looking forward to seeing you guys drive away on the bus, but we were excited to reveal to you your challenge times throughout the week. You all did a great job in the Bush Challenge activity and every team improved their time on the monster course. The results were as follows:

Bush Challenge Times:

Hash Tag One: 27:23

We Cant Agree: 32:53

Sandwich Warriors: 44:23

Warriors: 46:26

Its Complicated: 26:17

Squadoomps: 28:49

Monster Course Improvement Times:

Hash Tag One: 4:00

We Cant Agree: 3:33

Sandwich Warriors: 2:07

Warriors: 1:38

Its Complicated: 5:05

Squadoomps: 3:44

We ended the camp with our Value Winners having a hot lap in the army tank. We wanted to congratulate you guys for what your tribe members thought was an incredible camp. Well-done to Noah, Osimen, Kane, Kevin, Scout and Aidrean! All of you however should be super impressed with efforts and achievements while at camp. I hope you carry your confidence and your I CAN mentality everywhere you go! When you rock up to school on Monday I hope you strut. I hope you give all the love and support to yourself that you deserve and keep giving it to all your class mates and peers and anyone you meet for that matter!

Keep being legendary and never stop UNLEASHING YOUR GREATNESS!

The Coaching Team!

Mads, Payton, Steph, Trinette, Dan, Kyle and Matt.

Team Building Benefits

Church Group Retreats

The Summit partners with B1G1.

Contact Phone Number

Hens Weekend

Party at The Summit


Sport Team Testimonials 

Get a Quote

Fun Group Activities

Hens Party Venue

Church Programs

Family Activities


Pre season training

Family Getaway


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