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Islamic College of Melbourne

We were fortunate to have two Islamic College groups here late last term. Please see below the blogs written by their lead Summit Coaches for both the boys and girls camps that were run in parallel programs.

Boys Group

Wednesday the 12th of September was the day ICOM Boys graced the presence of The Summit camp for their grade 5 boys’ camp. It was a beautiful day weather wise and it did not stop all camp.

After an introduction to camp it was time to get straight into camp initiatives and activities. The tribes were formed and names were created. Killer Ants, Group of Legends and The Challenges were the names.

After the initiatives of Keypunch, Half Pipe and Tiles were completed but before any activities everyone was introduced to MUHI (the mud man) who performed the best slip twist slide we had ever seen.

Cave was a challenge for the solo venture into the dark. Lots of bravery needed and shown for this activity. Leap was the high flying, souring activity to push the mental toughness of each participant. Bush challenge was the first of the team challenges. Great team work was needed for the activity. Congratulations to the Killer ants that got the fastest time with 28:14.

The night walk was about getting out in nature and experiencing some of the wild life of the surrounding area. We saw possums, heard bullfrog and got to see the night sky in all it dazzling best.

With a new day came some new activities. Rockwall, Laser and Inflatables would be theses activities to see the groups to the end of camp with Monster course in the afternoon. Laser had some epic battles, strategies galore and the occasional fortnite quote. Inflatables was full of foosball and adrenalin during the fun competition of blue and purple teams. Rockwall was next and last opportunity to go high off the ground and push the target, stretch and super stretch.

Monster was the most impressive improvement Timmay had seen in all his years at The Summit. First lap, Killer ants had the fastest time of 34.50 but it was not about the fastest but the most improved, the tribe who made some mistakes and learnt from them. The Challenges improved by 12.22, beaten by Killer Ants who improved by 13.55 but were both outdone by the Group of Legends who improved by 15.58. Wow, just wow.

Values winners were voted for by each tribe for a person who lived by the summit five keys. These individuals were rewarded with a hot lap in The Summit army tank. Well done to Yusuf, Muhi (Mohammed) and Mohammed Arafi. Thank you to the students and teachers from ICOM. We look forward to seeing you again real soon.

Girls Camp

The Islamic College of Melbourne Grade Five girls brought so much energy and enthusiasm to The Summit! As they got off the bus, their excitement was contagious! The girls learnt about the five kays: Play All In, Have Fun, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, Make Lots Of Mistakes, and Don’t, Go Home Wondering What If. After the Five Keys, we learnt about a goal-setting strategy – Target, Stretch, Super Stretch. Now everyone was more than ready to take on what The Summit had to offer!

Two rounds of initiatives had the Grade Fives taking on Half Pipe, Tiles, and Key Punch. After our initiatives, the tribes were no longer known as Tribes 1, 2, & 3 – they were now The Survivors, The Summit Girls, and The Summit Squad. Then it was time to tackle our first activities! Day One had one of three rotations of Scavenger Hunt, Giant Swing, and Inflatables! After dinner, the Girls braved the darkness to go on a Night Walk through the bush!

Day Two started with the introduction of setting an Intention around who we wanted to be that day. A quick game got everyone ready to roll! We finished the last two rotations of Swing, Scavenger Hunt and Inflatables. The girls were pushed with their first taste of heights of the Giant Swing. Had to work as a team to score as many points as they could on the Scavenger Hunt, and had so much fun Playing All In on the Inflatables!

After lunch, it was time for some new activities! The new challenges were High Wire, The Flying Fox and Bush Challenge. Though there was some fear surrounding High Wire, everyone found out that though they were scared, they did have fun! Flying Fox had a more relaxed take on heights, many enjoying the cool breeze as they flew across the lake. Bush Challenge had everyone working hard to complete the course in the quickest time possible!

Then, it was time for the much anticipated Monster Course! The Tribes had to work together to overcome many challenges! They had to put a tyre on a post and take it off again, through some balls and catch them in a net, use sleds to transport some tyres around, climb over the cargo A-frame, dodge some exercise balls to complete the coloured puzzle, throw a Frisbee through the mouth of a monster, complete some push-ups and sit-ups before running to the finish line! There were a few mixed emotions when they were told they had to do it again but with the support of the tribes, everyone dug deep and gave it another go! Day Two ended with an amazing campfire.

Day Three, the girls were told about the power of gratitude. Some great examples of what they were grateful for were shared, including, family, friends, having a nice home, and even the opportunity to be at camp.

We dove straight into the last two activities of camp! Before we knew it, camp was pretty much done! Back at the lodge, we had lunch and then heard some results, and found out who the Values Winners were! It was then time for our winners to have a lap in our Army Tank, say our final goodbye, and get on the bus and go! Such an incredible three days! A huge thank you from the coaches to all our teachers and students. You guys rocked and brought so much fun, a lot of questions and even more laughs!

- Jackie, Liv & Paula


Scavenger Hunt

Tribe 1 – 530 points

Tribe 2 – 460 points

Tribe 3 – 360 points

Bush Challenge Times

Tribe 1 – 30:51

Tribe 2 – 34:33

Tribe 3 – 50:55

Monster Improvement Times

Tribe 1 – 14:00

Tribe 2 – 12:25

Tribe 3 – 13:56

Values Winners

Tribe 1 – Mariam T

Tribe 2 – Jinan

Tribe 3 – Marya

Team Building Benefits

Church Group Retreats

The Summit partners with B1G1.

Contact Phone Number

Hens Weekend

Party at The Summit


Sport Team Testimonials 

Get a Quote

Fun Group Activities

Hens Party Venue

Church Programs

Family Activities


Pre season training

Family Getaway


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