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Kerang Christian College

Wednesday the 13th of November brought the year 9 from Kerang Christian College to The Summit. After a long journey on the bus the students were very keen to hop off the bus and have some lunch!

The afternoon kicked off with the introduction to the five Keys: Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Don’t Go Home Wondering What If. With a focus on the first 2 keys, we thought, we best play a game of Clap Ball to get our bodies moving and having some fun! After Clap Ball we went straight into our initiative tiles. The rest of our afternoon quickly flew by, after learning about a new goal setting technique called Target – Stretch – Super Stretch! We then went on the Flying Fox, where everyone surprised themselves and had some fun, flying across our lake, followed by yummy afternoon tea and then an explore of our cave, which became quite challenging for some but a great experience at the same time. The afternoon was filled with loads of fun and laughs, 2 rotations were completed. It was a great taster for what was to come for day two.

Day 2 rolled around starting with morning intentions and choosing our intention for the day of Who We Wanted to Be and What we Wanted out of our Day. We also had our second and third keys to focus on throughout the day! We played a group game of Huckle Buckle to get into a fun head space and got on with our epic day, where we completed 4 rotations of Giant Swing, Laser Skirmish. We saw lots of smiles and laughs and started to understand what it was like when we went outside our comfort zones! We completed High Wire with some great encouragement from tribe members! And our Snowy River Challenge showed how the team started to really come together and back each other. This all led us to our Monster Course where we got wet and muddy, worked hard with incredible determination, resilience while digging deep to not only back ourselves but really get behind the team. Millions of smiles showed just how much fun it was to complete The Monster Course. All you could witness was laughs as mud was thrown around! It was amazing to see the hard work everyone put in throughout the course, and each and everyone should be so proud of themselves and what has been accomplished.

Day 3 - Friday morning rolled around in a blink of an eye! To kick it off we started with a moment of gratitude, shared a few things we were grateful for in their day to day lives - sometimes it is the little things that go unnoticed. The morning had 2 last activities left, which were The Inflatable, which had everyone bouncing around, and our Leap Of Faith. After three days of unleashing greatness, the camp, sadly, came to its finish line. We shared some final GMIC and our results.

After taking a while to come up with a team name Obsidiots, you really pushed yourselves and crushed camp!

Thank you all so much, for the past few days I hope you created memories that will last a life time.


Snowy River Challenge: 30.07

Monster: 6.21 improvement time!

Values Winner: Jason

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