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Williamstown High school

3 year levels, 60 legends and 3 days of epic activities, Williamstown High School leaders brought an awesome energy and an infectious enthusiasm to play

to The Summit from the very start!

All 8 rotations were designed to challenge you both as an individual and a team to accomplish a variety of goals. With four Tribes no greater than; Mosquito Repellent…Pssstttt, Okay Boomers, Cyclone15 and Swaggy Mauve, you all achieved incredible things through the activities.

The first few hours of camp had you flying joyously from one side of camp to the other, crawling underground and completing small team obstacle challenges. It was very obvious to us all how well you bonded into your tribes, as some of our most impressive Snowy River Challenge times were recorded. Your leadership and care for one another was evident in the way you guided each other over a wall, a log walk and through the dark, damp, ‘Wombat hole.’ With one team even getting 15 people through every obstacle in under 10mins, your times are as follows: Okay Boomers 20.4mins, Pssstt 15.44mins, Cyclone15 10.39 and Swaggy Mauve 9.56mins!

Together we accomplished countless goals, that challenged your personal beliefs and perspectives towards ability and your own version of success with the task at hand. Leap of Faith was one of those wild activities that had you all striving for your personal best with numerous challenges attempted and executed! Some of our most memorable super stretch moments shared included being blindfolded leaping of a 9m platform or balancing along the Sky Bridge from one side of the lake to the other, walking a 2m nail board 5 times and holding our big python Mitch as if you were the next Steve Irwin.

Although the sun didn’t come out to play with us, we had all the fun in the big puddles around camp. With sploshing and splashing encouraged, we were all smiling, smelly and dripping with mud before we even got started in the Monster course! A big shout out goes to Sarah for one of the best mud slides ever witnessed and encouraging others to get excited about throwing a bit of mud and embracing the mess.

You all did more than just embrace it but lived by our 5 keys 100% for the rest of the day, as you dipped, dived, crawled, jogged and chanted your way to the finish line twice in one afternoon. The second lap although already tired, wet and very…very muddy, had you cheering louder, working harder and more determined for a faster time. And all you did it with clear success. Your outstanding effort were shown by your epic improved results, listed as followed: Okay Boomers 3.33mins, Swaggy Mauve 4.39mins, Cyclone 15 5.54mins and Pssstt 7.11mins!

The whole Summit team would like to congratulate and thank you for your determination, resilience and playfulness throughout the 3 days we shared. Your ability to take on a challenge and play all in kept us eager to present new and challenging ways to accommodate your skill and ambition! Another huge congratulations to: Jake, Excelsior, Eloise, Matt and Sam for your continuous effort at living out our camp values and being a role model within your groups.

It was an absolute pleasure seeing your growth and development as a group of 60 young leaders!

Keep smiling, trying new things and challenging the perspective of what’s impossible! Your Summit coaches Mia, Maddie, Cam, Trinette and Nik.

Team Building Benefits

Church Group Retreats

The Summit partners with B1G1.

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Hens Weekend

Party at The Summit


Sport Team Testimonials 

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Fun Group Activities

Hens Party Venue

Church Programs

Family Activities


Pre season training

Family Getaway


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