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Five Powerful Ways to Show love to your Children

Most parents have had those moments when you look at your child and there are indescribable feelings that reach deep inside you. Often that feeling comes when your child is asleep and you are exhausted from a long, hard day.

You sneak a look at that peaceful face and think how lucky you are to have such a perfect child that you have made. It’s often then that we wish we had paused in our day to say “I love you”.

The truth is that most children know their parents love them but here are some simple ways to put those words into action.

1. Be Present

It’s so easy to be swept up in the hustle of day-to-day life. It’s hard to stop and look up when life is busy, but it’s those moments when your child comes into the room that it is good moment to slow down, look them directly in the eyes and validate them by being present.

2. Listen

As adults, we love our children so much we want to fix things and find solutions to problems straight away, but sometimes it’s not about that. It may be just learning to be engaged and supportive but allowing our kids to talk it out so they can process how they can move forwards. Remember to practice active listening principals such as good eye contact, focusing 100% of your attention, being patient and empathetic.

3. Be Involved

Actively involve yourself in everyday Family life. Engage in activities they enjoy or show them you are interested what they are doing by asking questions. It could be as simple as kicking a ball with them in the back yard or talking about a subject they want to know more about.

4. Be Spontaneous

It’s so nice when you get a surprise or an unexpected kind word spoken about you. Sometimes showing love is in the spur of the moment.This includes simple things like stopping to have that ice-cream on the beach, staying up late as a treat, smiling at them when they walk into the room or giving them a big hug just because you can.

5. Be Fun - Say Yes!

As parents, we are programmed to usually say ‘no’ before we even consider the question. Saying ‘yes’ is an easy way to ignite family fun – and unleash a lot of excitement! Say yes to a park stop or yes to a dinner request even though you’ve already made plans.There’s also no shame in being silly with your kids. So, shed the inhibitions and laugh lots.

It’s always nice to hear how much someone loves you,

Most Parents naturally love their children. When children feel loved there is no denying they shine, they radiate happiness and they are confident in taking on the world around them.

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