Aquinas College Year 8s Blog
Wow! What an incredible bunch of students. The Summit crew thanks you for making your way down to Trafalgar East. How lucky that we had some beautiful weather to complete the activities in. You all pushed yourself outside your comfort zones on numerous occasions. We look forward to seeing the rest of your cohort later this week. Thank you to all the teachers and leaders who took time away from family and loved ones to help run an epic and fun camp.
From morning intentions to morning gratitude all teams not only completed 8 rotations but also TWO laps of our Monster Course. Despite feeling cold, wet, and tired all teams improved their times by 4 minutes or more… AWESOME EFFORTS ALL ROUND.
Many of the activities found the students feeling at times a little bit overwhelmed and uncomfortable. However, with the use of our target, stretch, and super stretch, every student strived to do their absolute best, and that’s what it’s all about. To the students who also used our Five Keys, we hope it helped you achieve your goals and left you not going home wondering what if.
Not only did the students complete multiple activities they also managed to constantly show up and stay present.
Each morning we played a game to get our bodies moving. Firstly, we played a game of ‘Jockeys’, congratulations to Griff and Ryan who took out first place. And then on the second day, we played a game of ‘Pirates’. Well done to the lucky 8 who won. You know who you are!
Again, we thank you for playing all in and having all the fun. Just remember that on the other side of uncomfortably lies freedom.
All the best for the year ahead.
Big thanks from The Summit Team in blue.