Box Hill High School Blog
It was amazing to have the students and teachers back at The Summit from Box Hill H.S. for their year 8 three day camp. With so many in the year level, there was no time to mess around as they all got straight into tribe names and their first initiative activities.
Tribe Names:
Blood Fish
El Chapo's Drag Queens
Squiggy Pineapples
Team 5
Wiggly Worms
Blood Chickens
T.M.I, Ramen Noodles
Surdy Stompers
Upside Downs
Flying Talking Donkeys
Wandering Wombats
Here are the full results from the camp tribe challenges.
Bush Challenge:
Squiggy Pineapples 31.00
Blood Chickens 29.27
Cheese 25.01
Blood Fish 24.06
Neeks 24.02
Ramen Noodles 23.47
Team 5 20.43
El Chapo’s Drag Queens 19.43 - Winners!
Snowy River Challenge:
Blood Chicken 36.12
Neeks 35.35
Wandering Wombats 29.47
Upside Downs 26.15
Ramen Noodles 24.52
T.M.I 24.04
Dividers 20.39 - Winners!
Monster Course:
Upside Down 56.12
Dividers 55.40
T.M.I 52.41
Wriggly Worms 50.55
Sturdy Stompers 50.38
Flying Talking Donkeys 48.26
Blood Chickens 48.00
Squiggy Pineapples 47.47
El Chapo’s Drag Queens 45.47
Cheese 45.00
Blood Fish 42.01
Ramen Noodles 39.50
Neeks 39.16
Wandering Wombats 34.20
Team 5 29.30
Red Hot Running Teachers 25.00 - Winners!
At the end of the camp, each tribe voted for a tribe member who lived by The Summit's Five Keys of Have Fun, Playing All In, Making Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, Don’t Go Home Wondering What If. Congratulations to James, Chloe, Laurence, Charlotte, Miller, Jade, Judy, Calem R, Max, Eddie, Charlie, Lee, Ben, Theo, Jay, Aarave and Pete.
Thank you once again for coming to the Summit for your camp experience. Remember if you enjoyed the Monster Course, we run our Summit Survivor on November the 19th,2022. Hope to see you there.