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Eltham College

It has been a pleasure to have the students from Eltham College 5/6 at The Summit for the past 5 days. The weather was perfect for camp and the energy was electric. After the arrival and the introduction to the Five Keys, it was time for an initiative and tribe names. The tribes were Summit Snakes, Pog Champs, Bob, and Bricks and Rebels.

Here are the results from the tribe challenges. Snowy River challenge had Bricks complete the course in 46.25, Bob completed the course in 38.40, Pog Champs completed the course in 36.40 for third place, Rebels completed the course in 29.37 for second but taking the win was Summit Snakes in a time of 28.25.

Bush challenges had Bob complete the course in 47.30, Rebels completed the course in 35.00, Pog Champs completed the course in 33.51, Bricks completed the course in 33.29 and winning was Summit snakes in a time of 26.32.


The Monster Course was the highlight for a lot of students and teachers. Here are the results: Pog champs improved by 6.56, Summit snakes improved by 8.12, Bob improved by 9.01 for third, Rebels improved by 10.07 for second but taking it home with a brilliant improvement time of 11.00 was Bricks.

Individual value winners were voted for at the end of camp from each tribe who lived by The Summit Camp's Five Keys. These individuals were acknowledged by everyone and rewarded for their effort with a hot lap in the camp's army tank. Congratulations to Abby, Zac, Hayley, Will, and Asher. All were amazing leaders for your tribe by Having Fun, Playing All In, Making Lots of Mistakes, Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, and Not Going Home Wondering What If.

Thank you to everyone who came to the Summit from Eltham College. We look forward to seeing you again real soon.


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