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Geelong High School Blog

After two weeks of relaxing holidays, we welcomed our first group back. These legends made their way down from Geelong High School, what a big commute for the teachers and year 12 students from Geelong High School. Once the year 12’s arrived at The Summit they were keen to get off the bus and get settled in. The students had the privilege of completing our 2-day intensive program. That meant a 2-day jammed packed adventure. The students learnt about our Five Keys so they could adapt them to their worlds and implement them into their Summit experience.

1. Have Fun

2. Play All In

3. Make lots of mistakes

4. Get comfortable being uncomfortable being uncomfortable

5. Don’t go home wondering what if

To start camp the students broke off into their activity groups, it was time to start playing all in and having all the fun. The students found themselves working together in the initiative activities. Getting everyone through the Spider’s Web, solving the pattern at GoGo Stop, stepping from Tile to Tile and defusing the numbers at Key Punch. Well done to all teams that really came together and worked as one solid team. After some morning tea, it was time to really kick start camp. The students found themselves stepping outside their comfort zones in more ways than one. To every single person who tackled the Sky Bridge, a huge congratulations to you. Many of you showed incredible resilience. Reaching all heights on the tallest swing in Victoria, swinging 26 meters in the air is a fun way to start the week off. Racing one another on the Inflatable World and demolishing each other at Laser Tag.

What an epic amount of fun. Thank you for playing all in with us! After 4 rotations and lunch, it was time to add more fun to the day. Later in the afternoon, the students had the chance to complete one of the best activities The Summit offers- The Mud Run. Each team worked together to complete all the obstacles along the way, these obstacles had the year 12 students, jumping, climbing, running, scurrying, carrying tires, linking, and navigating through the mud. Each group was timed to see how fast they could complete the mud run. After the Groups came back in, we told them we wanted to find out their improvement time…. How we do that is by running the course all over again. Anyone can run the course on a good day, it’s how you show up when you have nothing left in the tank that matters most. Each team improved by 2 minutes or more. Incredible efforts all around.

After the second lap, it was time to have a hot shower and eat some spaghetti for dinner. Followed by a Summit staff ran Minute To Win It. Congratulation to team A Minute Man Geoff for taking home the gold with 265 points. A good night’s sleep was had by all.

To start our morning off we shared some GMICs that the year 12’s had written (Great Moments in Camp) what an incredible way to fill up our buckets before crushing new rotations of activities. Once again, the year 12’s had a busy morning but this time the students were very tired and had very sore bodies from playing all in on all the activities and the mud run. So, thank you to all the students who got on board even though they were tired and sore. Well done not going home wondering what if.

The students found themselves climbing 21 meters in the air leaning back trusting the process and letting go with not only one hand but two hands and one leg, wow talk about crushing your super stretches. The race was still on as students found themselves setting the fastest time they could complete the Bush Challenge, physically leaning upon each other whilst completing several trust exercises and navigating their way up and around the Rock Wall. Each activity challenged the students in one way in another. What a fun-filled two days. After the last debrief the students nominated one person from each group who they believed lived by our Five Keys, congratulations to our 4 lucky winners (Seb, Blake, Delta, and George) We hope you enjoyed your lap in the WW2 army tank.

The Summit team wishes you all the absolute best for the year ahead.

Stays safe.


1. Walsh Wombats

2. A Minute Man Geoff

3. SSB

4. Team Deathro


1. 17.16 1st

2. NA

3. 18.56 2nd

4. 21.24 3rd


1. 4:10 3RD

2. 2:00 4TH

3. 6:10 2ND

4. 7:45 1ST


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