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Kurunjang Secondary College Blog

On Monday, The Summit welcomed students from Kurunjang Secondary! To kickstart camp, the group learned about The Five Keys:

  • Have Fun

  • Play All In

  • Make Lots of Mistakes

  • Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

  • Don't Go Home Wondering What-If

The focus for day one of camp was on the first two keys. Before taking on the activities, the two groups did a bit of an initiative and warm up as a team. from there the group learnt a new technique for setting goals called Target, Stretch, Super Stretch. The first two activities were both focused around teamwork, with the Snowy River Challenge having everyone working to get through a small course, and High Wire testing everyone's nerves with heights. the two groups came up with their team names and called themselves 'The Jeffs' for one team, and '7/11' for the other! suddenly, after having all the fun and playing all in, the day was done!

Day two started with everyone setting a morning intention and choosing to start the day with a focus. after a game to get everyone warmed up, it was time to take on two new activities. while one team was running around the park finding markers during Orienteering, the other group was taking on another heights challenge at The Sky Bridge. Watching everyone tackle these new challenges, and setting goals, was really rewarding for the teachers, coaches and students! The next lot of activities saw groups working together to get as many points as possible during the Scavenger Hunt, and had lots of people pushing through some fears and hesitations during Snake & Nails - Mitch the Coastal Carpet Python was a big hit among many! After lunch, and after the swap of activities, it was time to play in the mud. The Monster Course had everyone carrying tyres, linking together, pulling things, balancing, crawling both over and under obstacles, and of course, playing in the mud. The determination, perseverance, and grit coming from both teams were incredible to see!

Day three started with a chance to practice some Gratitude, and the students were given a moment to reflect on what they had and were grateful for in their lives. heading back out into the park, we started with another game and then it was time to take on the last two activities of camp. the students from Kurunjang were given the opportunity to complete both The Summit Window and Abseil in one go. The students were encouraged to use what they had learnt over the last two days, to set some goals and do what they thought they couldn't. This rotation of activities had everyone climbing up to the top of the 18-metre tower, and then plus a little more, to complete the Summit Window - leaning back, trusting themselves, and letting go of the nerves, before being clipped into the ropes to Abseil down the side of the tower. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime and the end of camp! results were tallied and winners were announced, one last final reward for the two students chosen by their peers, final goodbyes were said and then it was time to get on the bus to head back to school!

Thanks to everyone for coming out to play and have fun!

- Jackie, Steph, Cam


Snowy River Challenge

The Jeffs: 24:24

7/11: 32:29

Scavenger Hunt

The Jeffs: 410 7/11: 290

Monster Course

The Jeffs: 14:15 7/11: 10:28

Values Winner

The Jeffs: Josh F 7/11: Zac


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