Leongatha SC Year 11 Blog
On a sunny Monday afternoon, a bus full of Leongatha students rolled through The Summit gates. Once they have checked into their tent accommodation they got shown to the Blue Room where they were introduced to Marcus and Steph, their coaches for the next three days. As they introduced themselves they also introduced the Five Keys of camp which are; Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, and Don’t Go Home Wondering What If. The students were shown down to the park where they play a game of Clap Ball. Two teams were then created and completed their first initiative. Group one Tea Sauce completed the Tiles Challenge. Group two The Warriors completed their challenge Treasure. The first two activities of the day were High Wire and Laser Skirmish. Students were told about a goal-setting strategy called target, stretch, and super stretch where they get to choose to break activities down into small manageable chunks. The students were also introduced to the
GMICs (great moments in camp).
As day two began we started the morning with a morning intentions session. They were shown a video called "Wall of Words'. The students were then asked to grab a sticky note and write three things on it. They were told to write one I AM affirmation, one I want for the day, and one quote that they like. As they put these sticky notes in their pockets they made their way down to complete the first game called Jockey’s then followed by a game called Yee Haw.
They completed four activities throughout the day which were; Scavenger Hunt, Summit Window, Bush Challenge, and Abseil. After lunch, they got changed for the Monster Course. After running one lap of the course, the students were told that they were going to have to run one more lap, as the winner of the course isn’t the fastest time but the time that improved by the most. Both teams improved by more than five minutes but the winning team was The Warriors who improved their time by 8 minutes and 38 seconds and Tea Sauce improved by 7 minutes and 21 seconds.
As the final day of camp rolled around we started the day with a gratitude session. We watched the video called 'Give and get a compliment' where we talked about three different types of gratitude, verbal, written, and acts of service. As it was the last day the students were focusing on key #5 'Do Not Go Home Wondering What If' as they were quite tired they were told not to check out too early as they still had two more activities to complete. The last two activities were the Giant Swing and Snake and Nails both teams smashed these two rotations completing swings of both single and double variety in half an hour and less.
In the last debrief these students were asked to vote for somebody in their tribe who had embodied the Five Keys the most consistently throughout camp. The two people chosen were Ella from Group 1 and Kate from group 2.
I would like to say I behalf of myself and The Summit, we would like to say a big thank you to you guys for making this camp as much fun as it was, we wish you all the best for the rest of the year and in your future endeavors.
Steph/sonic/Spag, Marcus.