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Lumen Christi - Point Cook Blog

It has been a pleasure having the year 6’s from Lumen Christi Primary at The Summit for their 3-day camp. With each tribe forming their new identity and name, we were introduced to Big Brains, Conquerors, Summit Warriors, Goats of the Summit, The Beasts, Successes, Dino Nuggets, and Bob.

There were so many amazing efforts shown throughout camp, so many were highlighted in the G.M.I.C‘s that were given out.

Here are some highlights from camp. Snake and Nails were a really big challenge for most students who all braved their own fears to hold the snake (Mitch) and walk across the bed of nails. Flying Fox had everyone soaring through the air like birds, through trees, and over the lake to the amazing support and cheers from their tribe members. Rock Wall was about climbing new heights and really setting targets, stretches and super stretches to get as high as possible. On the same wall but at the top is the Tash's Ladder, a ladder that extended to the sky at 15 meters in the air. Sky Bridge had you crossing the wobbly bridge while stepping forward one step at a time on one plank. So much courage was shown by everyone to get up and attempt this mentally tough challenge. The two group challenges that had everyone running around the park searching for photo opportunities were the Photo Scavenger hunt or search for markers and checkpoints of Orienteering. What a great way to see around The Summit while trying to find those markers and points of interest. Like all good things sometimes going up must bring you down and this was through the highest activity of camp, Abseil. At 20 meters off the ground and repelling down the big tower, just giving this challenge thought is already a sensational effort.

The Monster Course was the big one everyone was racing for but was really racing you to get the best improvement time. Everyone improved their times by at least 3.45 which went to Goats of the Summit, The Summit Warriors improved by 5.22, Dino Nuggets by 5.30, Conquerors by 7.00, Big Brains improved by 8.09, third place went to The Beasts who improved by 10.00, second, went to Successes who improved by 10.02 but winning by a second was Bob who improved by 10.03. Wow, what a close race and great effort from everyone. At the end of camp we all voted for someone in our tribe who lived by the Five Keys of The Summit (Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, and Don’t Go Home Wondering What If). Congratulations to Taj, Luke C, Luke, Charlotte, Awet, Lachy, Piper, and Lily.

Thank you again for coming, wee look forward to seeing you back at The Summit real soon.


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