Toorloo Arm Primary School Blog
On Monday the 16th of May, students and teachers of Toorloo Arm Primary School arrived at The Summit, ready for a week full of fun and adventure! After everyone has settled into their tents, they were introduced to Ella, Steph and Sophie! Starting camp, Ella and Steph invited the students to follow the Five Keys over the next 5 days, Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Comfortable and Don't Go Home Wondering What If.
From here, the camp was ready to begin and we created our epic three new teams, Team 13, Golden Gators and The Dominators! Day one began with initiatives and one rotation either of the Bush Challenge, Snake and Nails or The Flying Fox! Finishing the day we all headed back to the Blue Room hidden away from the rain to create our world-class team flags during our tribe identity rotation, where the 3 teams really came to life as they added their “6th key” and epic designs.
On day 2 we started with watching the awesome Kid President and Ella helped everybody set a daily intention. Heading to the park we played a crowd favorite game of Jockeys, instant replay involved it was a tight competition! From there we finished our rotations of the Bush challenge, Snake and Nails and the Flying Fox, before beginning our new activities, Highwire, Scavenger Hunt and Orienteering. An action pack day of activities came to an end, finishing with a night walk!
Waking up on day 3 we had another big day in store! Ella introduced the idea of gratitude to the students, and we started thinking of all that we have to be grateful for. Starting the day with a game, we all got our rock, paper, scissors on, having an epic tournament of Rock, Paper, Scissors Chant! Adam had now joined the crew and we began our new rotations of the Giant Swing, Laser Skirmish and the Rockwall. After some yummy lunch, the teams headed to either the Leap of Faith, Inflatables or Tash's Ladder where a heap of targets, stretches and super stretches were reached! To end the day our teams took part in our epic tribe challenge, Minute to Win It! Where the final score came down to Team 13 with 49 points and Golden Gators and Dominators in a tie of 50 points! To determine the winning team, Zac, Harry and George faced off in a ‘rock and roll’ headbanging competition, where the winner would add all of their points to their score! Luckily enough, Zac from Team 13 took out the competition, and his team (who was originally in 3rd place) won!!
Day 4 we began the morning by setting our daily intention and then headed to the park where we became pirates!! After the game, we finished our rotations of either the Leap of Faith, Inflatables or Tash’s Ladder. During the afternoon all of our teams combined and we headed together through the Cave! After a yummy lunch, the teams got in the zone for the Monster Course, by completing some epic team challenges, the Spiders Web and Go Go Stop! We were all now ready to get wet and muddy during our monster course! Teams worked together and did their absolute best! They were all then brought in and told that they were to do the whole course again! Smiles and mud on their faces, even though it was raining and cold, they pushed through and all teams improved their times. The day ended with warm showers and yummy spag and garlic bread!
The last day quickly came around. We started our morning with another session of gratitude, where Kid President showed up 25 things to be thankful for, giving the students a chance to think of all the other many things we have to be grateful for. After an epic game of Huckle Buckle, all teams headed together to the big tower, where they were challenged to the Summit Window and the Abseil. After 5 days of growing their comfort zones, climbing up 20 meters seemed more bearable to many students, as so many were hitting their target, stretches and super stretches!
Before our new Toorloo Arm friends headed home, students were asked to vote for someone in their team who had lived and breathed by The Summit's Five Keys, these people were Zac, Chase and Jordon. They were then surprised with a lap in our army tank!!
Thank you so much for such an epic week! All the best for the rest of the year and we hope to see you again.
From Ella, Steph, Sophie and Adam J