Upper Yarra Secondary College Y12 Blog
It has been a pleasure to work with the year 12 students and their teachers from Upper Yarra Secondary for their three-day camp. With a teacher like Kilby, it was the catalyst for the tribe names that each chose. Kilby and Co and The Peacocks were the names that were inspired by Mr. Kilby.
Flying Fox was a fun start to camp with everyone soaring through the air and over the lake to the catching platform. The first of the tribe challenges was the Bush Challenge.
The times for this were as follows:
Kilby and Co took 18.23
Peacocks took 16.34
Both tribes were extremely competitive, and the teamwork was exceptional.
Snake and Nails was the challenge with a difference, not only did you walk across the bed of nails but then challenged your thoughts when faced to have the opportunity to hold “Mitch” the snake.
Sky bridge was all about you setting your own goal and stepping out to get what you want and even if you fall, you get back up and continue however is needed.
The Monster Course was fast, and each tribe did an amazing job, showing brilliance in their resilience to seek to improve their time from their first lap.
Improvement Times:
Kilby and Co. - 5. 20
Peacocks - 9.50
To finish off camp, each tribe voted for a member of their tribe who lived by the Five Keys of The Summit. The most voted person from each tribe was rewarded with a hot lap in The Summit army tank.
Congratulations to Luke and Ruby for your amazing effort throughout camp.
Thank you once again for coming to the summit and good luck for the rest of your year.