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Warragul Regional Secondary College

On Monday 18th March the year nine students and teachers from Warragul Regional School arrived at the Summit for their three day camp. As a local school it was nice to see some familiar faces. After an introduction to camp it was time to get straight into activities and form a tribe identity. Tribe changed from number to names. Welcome to Natural Disasters, Barrel Nips, The Bird and Uniquities.

Photo Scavenger hunt had all tribe racing around the Summit finding photo opportunities for the chance to gain points for doing tasks and finding objects. The results were Natural Disasters with 425 points, Barrel Nips with 540, Uniquities with 620 and winners were The Bird with 700 points. Bush Challenge was a great challenge to get all tribe working together and communicating well. Uniquities did the course in 34.40, Barrel 33.07, The Bird 31.45 and just winning were Natural Disasters in a time of 31.43. The Cave had everyone going underground to face the dark but also the unknown. Some used distractions and chatting to themselves to get through the cave. Tash’s Ladder was the first of the activities going off the ground as members would climb a vertical ladder 15 metres up to then take their hands off and give everyone a wave. This was a real eye opener for most students and some brave teachers.

The first night brought a new buzz as the night Monster Course was running. All tribes ran around The Summit completing in wet, dusty, muddy, ball throwing, sled dragging obstacles all in the goal of doing their best and learning from their mistakes to then do a second lap. The winners would be the tribe with the best improvement. Results were as follows: Uniquities improved by 46 seconds The Birds improved by 7.21, Natural Disasters 9.44 but winning was Barrel Nips with 16.27 improvement.

Orienteering was all about finding the mapping points and solving word puzzles (wordless), some found it easy some found finding their way to other parts of the Summit the challenge. Snake and Nails was a great education lesson about snakes and challenge of walking across a bed of nails. Rock wall was a challenge by choice. Tribe members got to choose which wall they wanted to climb and how far they wanted to go up. Abseiling down the 20 metre wall was all about overcoming the height and trusting the process of feeding the rope out as you go down, having a bounce if you were feeling confident.

Values winners were voted for at the end of camp with Mitch, Charlotte, Jack and Kale all voted as the worthy winners. Congratulations to you all for a sensational camp.

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