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Brighton SC Year 9 Camp 1 Blog

On a surprisingly warm, sunny, and very exciting Wednesday morning the second lot of our Brighton Secondary College crew rolled into The Summit to kick off what turned out to be an amazing few days of camp. After a long and drawn-out roll call everything was eventually in readiness and once the staff and myself had introduced ourselves and our Five Keys to a great camp: Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Don’t Go Home Wondering What If, we headed down into the park.

We got straight into the first rotation of our major activities, those being Summit Window, Giant Swing, Snowy River Challenge, Laser Skirmish, and High Wire. The students were asked to come up with a group name they wanted to be known as for the remainder of camp, and after some extensive vetting, we settled on the below.

The Flower Pots

The Unicorns

The Cheezels


The Gremlins

The energy was high and it was fantastic to see some real breakthroughs of courage, creativity, and teamwork so early on camp. The Summit Window was the most challenging, as the height of our platform seemed much higher on it than it did from the bottom of the tower. High Wire was another challenge of height but once up there the view of the camp was well worth it. Our Giant Swing scared many of the students, but they battled through and learned a lot about camaraderie at the same time. Laser Skirmish was a fun experience while The Snowy River Challenge taught everyone a valuable lesson about teamwork and wearing the right clothes to camp!

After an epic Trivia Night on Wednesday night, won easily by “5:1” Thursday saw the completion of our first round of activities, and we got a glimpse of our new activities including Leap of Faith, Bush Challenge, Flying Fox, Snake and Nails, and Rock Wall.

That afternoon we ran our epic Monster Course, our mud run through a number of physical activities that got everyone, including the coaches and teachers, wet, muddy, and exhausted. The Flower Pots recorded the best improvement time to win the challenge, but every group did amazingly.

On Friday the students completed the last two rounds of activities and voted for their tribe's Values winner, or the person they felt committed most to our 5 Keys. We then wrapped up the day with some thank you’s and read out the times and revealed the Values winners before we sadly said our goodbyes.

The times and scores for the activities and the values winners were:

Values Winners

Thank you all again from Myself, Zoe, Sarah, Logan, Maddie, and Liam, and we can't wait to see the Brighton Secondary College students back again next year.


The Summit

Team Building Benefits

Church Group Retreats

The Summit partners with B1G1.

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Hens Weekend

Party at The Summit


Sport Team Testimonials 

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Fun Group Activities

Hens Party Venue

Church Programs

Family Activities


Pre season training

Family Getaway


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