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Canterbury Girls S.C. Camp Blog

It has been great having the Year 9 girls from Canterbury Girls S.C. at The Summit for their three-day camp. Arriving early gave the students a great time to settle into camp life and see what camp was all about. After the introduction, everyone began their camp with an initiative activity and rotations coming up with a tribe name. Canterbury Cucumbers, Canter Goofs, Stickers, The G’s, Mitche’s, and Holy Socks were the names chosen for each tribe. Once the activities were completed, each tribe then came up with a song, dance, and chant for their tribe to finish off day one.

Day two started with a game of Jockeys and Horseplay (yes I put a pun in here). This play set everyone up for a fun-filled day challenging themselves to get the best from each activity. Inflatables had you being human versions of Foosball and then challenging your tribes in a tag team race through the adrenaline rush obstacle course. Snake and Nails had you facing your fear of pain on the nails and the opportunity to hold, pet, and be present in a room with the staff member Mitch (coastal carpet python.) Flying Fox saw you soaring through the sky, through trees, and over the lake to the waiting teachers and excited tribe members who were waiting for their go on the fox themselves. Cave had you going into the pitch-black darkness and the unknown to a waiting bunk room, with the journey being solo or in pairs. Abseil saw each student scale the 20-meter big tower to then repel down on the abseiling wall. The view was worth the climb up for a lot of people. Bush Challenge was the first of the tribe challenges, where you worked together to get the fastest time possible and beat the other tribes. Here are the results of the bush challenge. The G’s got a time of 37.12, the Mitche’s got a time of 33.05, Canterbury Cucumbers got a time of 31.47, Stickers got a time of 29.52, Canter Goofs got a time of 24.56, and winning were Holy socks who got a time of 24.18. Well done everyone. At the end of day two, the monster course was the finish of the day. Everyone gave it their all and really showed their resilience as they tackled the course. The time for the Monster Course are as follows:

Canterbury Cucumber improved by 5.16, Holy Socks improved by 6.46, Stickers improved by 8.38, The G’s improved by 9.53, the Mitche’s improved by 11.20, and winning were Canter Goofs who improved by 14.23. Very impressive from everyone.

On the last day you finished off your rotations of activities and at the end of it all, you voted for a tribe member who lived by The Summit 5 keys. These people were acknowledged in front of everyone. Well done again to Rose, Sophia, Kayla, Jess, Elle, and Tilly, you were all deserving winners and represented your tribes so well.

Thank you again to everyone who came to the summit from Canterbury Girls S.C. Remember to stay connected with The Summit with the cards we gave you and can not wait to see you return in 2023.

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