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Chelsea Heights P.S. Blog

On a rainy Wednesday afternoon, the bus rolled up to The Summit with students from Chelsea Heights. After being shown to their tent accommodation, the level of excitement grew, as the kids were keen to have lunch, settle in and start activities. After being welcomed by The Summit team and told about the 5 keys; Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, and Don’t Go Home Wondering ‘What If’.

Students started with a Repeat After-me and exercise called Big Star/Little Star to prepare them for their initiative and two rotations for the day.

After the initiatives were done the tribes had chosen their names for the week; group 1 became Bazinga's, group 2 became Tadpoles, group 3 became TTOD (Timmy Tams of Doom) and group 4 became Yeeting Tacos.

The activities were; Sky Bridge, Flying Fox, Tribe Identity, Bush Challenge, Highwire, Snake and Nails, Summit Window, and Cave (so many activities!)

Day two was a big one, it started with setting an intention followed by a game (Pirates) to get our minds and bodies prepared for the day. The day involved 4 rotations and 2 laps of our epic Monster Course.

Day three and there were a lot of tired faces, we set our morning intentions and added some gratitude, we then got our bodies moving with a group exercise called ‘Get Loose’, we then finished off our last two rotations strong, in the last debrief the tribes chose one member from each group to become our values winners, someone who represented the 5 Keys the most throughout camp.

These people are;

Group 1 - Gretta

Group 2 - Tyson

Group 3 - Pooryou

Group 4 - Jasmine

Well done!

The results for the Monster Course (the time most improved) and Bush Challenge:

1. Bazinga’s - improved by 24.24mins & 55.45mins for Bush Challenge

2. Tadpoles- improved by 6.12mins & 50.43mins for Bush Challenge

3. TTOD-improved by 10.23mins & 33.19mins for Bush Challenge

4. Yeeting Tacos- 6.02mins & 49.35mind for Bush Challenge

On behalf of the team here at The Summit, we would like to say thank you for playing all in and having all the fun, best of luck with the rest of the year!

From: Steph, Liam, Logan, and Sofie :)

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