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Geelong Christian College Highton Year 6 Camp Blog

We were so excited to see the buses from Geelong Christian College roll through the gates of The Summit on an unusually warm Monday morning, but we weren’t the only ones hopping and jumping around preparing for what was going to be an amazing week. The energy and enthusiasm from all the students were awesome and we loved it, especially seeing no one injured themselves AFTER they got off the bus! The other coaches and I gathered in the Stadium with them to introduce ourselves and our Five Keys of Have Fun, Play All In, Make Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Don’t Go Home Wondering What If, before heading down into the park, playing a game, showing everyone our harnesses and how to set epic goal-setting technique themselves called Targets, Stretches and Super Stretches, and getting into our first round of activities.

High Wire and the Laser Skirmish were the instant highlights, the Bush Challenge and Tash’s Ladder were epic, Scavenger Hunt was fun and Abseil was not what anyone expected. After our first rotation, it was time to sit and create a Tribe Identity for each group. The imagination and excitement were very obvious from the flags and chants created.

Towards the end of the first day, and as a way of establishing themselves as a tribe, each group was asked to come up with a name for themselves that was agreed upon by all, and these are the names they came up with;

Grp 1 - The Legendary Psychos

Grp 2 - The Fast and Furious Takis

Grp 3 - Twinkle Toes

Grp 4 - 4ocious Frogs

Grp 5 - The Super Rats

Grp 6 - The Goats

After an evening Night Walk on Monday, Tuesday was kicked off with a very noisy individual at approximately 4:13 am, which made for an interesting morning, but after breakfast we had a morning Intentions chat from Kid President that helped remind us not to let the small things like that impact our day. We enjoyed three more rotations of activities before lunch and another break.

The afternoon turned out to be a warm one, so it started with a game of Magical Creatures before then being spent getting as sweaty, dirty and wet as possible on our epic Monster Course, a run around the shady grounds of The Summit involving tyres, charades, dirt, cargo nets, holey buckets, water, a ball pit and a whole lot of fun! The course was scored using each team's improvement time from the first lap to the surprise second lap, with everyone doing amazingly, but being dominated by The Fast and Furious Takis!

After what was the highlight of the camp for most of the teachers, a Movie Night on Thursday, a little bit of rain tried to upset proceedings by falling inside the Bungalows, another small issue quickly rectified by our amazing team of teachers and coaches, Friday started with another chat about gratitude in the form of another chat from Kid President before thinking about all the things in our lives that we are grateful for. After this, we went down into the park for our last round of activities.

It was also devastating to lose Seyara’s presence to a medical emergency on Thursday night. We were relieved to hear she was fine and the hospital staff were eventually tired of hearing the thousand Summit stories she was telling them, but we were also grateful that her friends recognized how amazing she had been at camp till then.

After our last activity, we asked each of the kids to vote on a Values winner, or the person in their group they felt used our Five Keys the best to make camp a rewarding experience for not only themselves but their whole team. The winners are listed below with all the times for each of the recordable activities.  We gathered at the Tractor Tyres for the last time to say our thank yous to all the people involved in making this camp epic before reading out the winners of the various activities and sadly farewelling everyone from Geelong CC!

Thank you so much to Steph, Jen, Nicole and the teachers and students of Geelong Christian College for an awesome week. You were all so incredibly dedicated to ensuring your camp was an amazing experience. We at The Summit can’t wait to have you back again soon.

Adam (Papa Smurf), Zoe, Sam, Sara, Aron, Tim, Gary and Liam


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