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Kororoit Creek Primary School - Year 4 Blog

On Monday the 6th of November we welcomed a bunch of incredible grade fours all the way from Kororoit Creek. Thank you for making the track down, it was a pleasure to have you. From the very beginning, it was evident that the Grade 4s was going to be awesome. To kick start camp we got all of the grade 4s into the Lodge where we presented them with our Five Keys.

These keys are as follows:






At The Summit we believe if you add these keys into your experience here and outside of camp, your journey will be world-class. It was great to see so many of the year 4s adopt these Five Keys. To get camp started we split the year 4s into 11 separate groups.

1. Camp Champs

2. Human Beans

3. Team Legends

4. Fearless Four

5. Braves

6. Ice Cream Nuggets

7. Summit Beasts

8. Purple pig Squad

9. Tryers

10. Marvellous M+M’s

11. V Boe

12. Summit Survivors

Camp started with two rotations with a wide range of challenges designed to test many distinct aspects of the groups' teamwork and courage. These activities ranged from flying over the lake on the Flying Fox, having all the fun at Inflatables, running around The Summit completing the Scavengers Hunt, scurrying up the Rockwall, building epic team flags, enjoying a fun game of Laser tag, swinging on the biggest swing in Victoria 26 meters up in the air, climbing up a tree with a partner and tight walking over the High Wire, climbing our Big Tower to completing The Summit Window and the Abseil Wall and running around completing The Summit's very own Orienteering.

Throughout the first day, we got to know the groups very quickly and it did not take long to see the potential for greatness that these students possessed.

The first night of camp was finished off with a self-run Disco where the kiddies got to dance the night away. We heard a lot of feedback from the students that they enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

On the first morning of camp, the students were introduced to the idea of setting an intention for the day. All with the goal to help us achieve our goals and be the person we want to be whilst on camp. Once we set our intentions it was back out to the park to conquer some more magical moments. Some of our other activities pushed the students even more outside their comfort zones, allowing the students to make as many mistakes as possible, this way the students could learn valuable lessons about themselves and each other.

Once we had completed our activities for the day it was time to truly unleash the students' greatness, it was time to complete our epic Monster Course. This course is designed to help our teams push themselves as hard as they could and to help each other bond more as a group. As the saying goes “you are only as strong as your weakest link” this challenge is all about teamwork and resilience. After completing not one, but two laps our teams were well and truly ready for a warm shower and a nice hot dinner in prep for another busy day to follow. We thank you all for playing all in.

Monster improvement times:

1. 4.47

2. 1.54

3. 15.25 2nd Place

4. 7.52

5. 8.30

6. 13.12 3rd Place

7. 2.30

8. 7.11

9. 12.47

10. 7.09

11. 6.42

12. 21.01 1st Place

It was great to see every group make such a vast improvement on their first time and we, as a coaching team, were amazed by their efforts.

To start our final morning at The Summit we got the students to think about all the things they had to be grateful for, sometimes it's easy to get complacent and not be as present and grateful as we can be. As the saying goes “win the morning win the day” it was epic to have so many students share all the things they had to be thankful for. Thank you to all the students who went above and beyond to push themselves outside their comfort zones.

After the students completed their last few activities, it was time to have some lunch and hop back on the buses. However, before that happened, we had some awesome individuals that need to be recognized. These 12 students were picked by their teammates in their last rotation. They are known as our values winners, they lived by our 5 keys to the fullest, it’s evident they aren’t going to be going home wondering what if. A huge congratulations to the following people.

Values Winners:

1. Anika

2. Farkhonda

3. Sianna

4. Leon

5. Adrian

6. Ben

7. Sean

8. Bhaavana

9. Rayhan

10. Jeriks

11. Isabelle

12. Layla

We wish you all the absolute best for the year ahead, enjoy the rest of Grade four. And remember to HAVE ALL THE FUN!

From The Summit Team

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The Summit partners with B1G1.

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