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Mercy College Yr7 Camp Blog

On Wednesday the 3rd of May a bunch of legends from Mercy College rocked up to The Summit and your energy to get into camp was epic!

What an awesome 3 days we had planned for you all, let’s jog our memory of your time here at The Summit.

Day 1 started off by meeting all 5 coaches that guided you through your camp experience. Your coaches were Logan, Yves, Zoe, Lina, and Adam.

You also became familiar with our Five Keys and if we used them would make camp go from good to GREAT!

The Five Keys were:

1. Have Fun

2. Play All In

3. Make Lots of Mistakes

4. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

5. Don’t Go Home Wondering What If

With no further ado, we got split up into our tribes and began our first 2 activities. Your activities throughout your time here at The Summit included Leap of Faith, challenging our ability to trust not only ourselves but the entire process, and taking a leap into the unknown regardless of what was holding us back. Inflatables, breaking up some of the action with more action focusing on just having fun! Giant Swing, testing what it will take to let go of our fear and trust the process, letting go of “what if…”. Bush Challenge, racing through as a team completing obstacles, and testing your physical and mental skills. Snake and Nails, walking over hundreds of nails with bare feet right before coming face to face with one of the world's most feared animals, Mitch the coastal carpet python. Tash’s Ladder, summiting a ladder on top of a 10-meter tower and leaning over with no hands. Rock Wall, is the ultimate challenge of physical and mental strength, testing your will to keep climbing up through fear. Highwire, scaling a tree to then balance across a thin wire with your partner and come down together like a boss. We finished off day 1 with free time for you to use our basketball court, volleyball court, and sports equipment.

Day 2 started off with breakfast, a selection of toast or cereal followed by a morning intentions session with Logan before continuing the rest of the day. Our intentions session covered asking ourselves who we wanted to be for the day and making deliberate choices (supportive, brave, kind, competitive, etc.). All of you students absolutely crushed each challenge put in front of you and it was a sight to see. To conclude what was already an epic day you all participated in the Monster Course! Running through a mud run obstacle course linked with the team to achieve not only the best time but also a closer connection to your fellow peers and teammates. After the first lap we followed it up with a surprise, we told you we were going to do it twice! You all showed up with courage, support for your team, and playful energy. It was truly an incredible sight to see.

Day 3 was already underway! We began with some breakfast followed by a gratitude session with Logan. Our gratitude session encouraged us to reflect on the things that we have in our lives. To appreciate the little things, “gratitude affects your attitude and in turn, affects your altitude”. Next, we got straight into our last 2 activities for camp. What an epic way to finish off an incredible camp. Last but not least each team voted for one person in your group who best demonstrated our Five Keys throughout camp. Congrats to Peyton, Violet, Carla, and Scarlett for playing all in and rocking it throughout camp.

Finally, we all got to witness our WW2 army tank go for a lap and crush a car! And our values winners from each team got to have a first-class seat inside the tank!

Thanks, Mercy College for coming to The Summit, we can’t wait to have you back!

Keep unleashing your greatness.

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