Richmond High School Blog
On Monday the Year 9’s from Richmond Secondary made their way down to The Summit. The program kicked off with the introduction of the Five Keys.
Here at The Summit, we like to set ourselves up for success. How we do that is by setting clear goals specific to our activities. The tool is called setting a Target, Stretch and Super Stretch.
Target- Something the kids know they can do.
Stretch – Something they think they can do.
Super Stretch- something that seems impossible but on their best day they could achieve it. After we shared all the technical terms with our year 9’s we hit the park running. The first thing we did was split up into 7 Groups, after completing our intuitive ice breaker games the groups had given themselves groovy team names, they were now known as the following;
1- Midnight Chocolate
2- Sick As Team
3- Vincenzo John
4- Grizzles
5- Fantastic Five
6- Cheese Cake
7- The Idiots
From here the students then participated in their first rotation of activities. They were: Abseil, Leap of Faith, High Wire, Flying Fox, Cave, Inflatables, Bush Challenge. Well done to all the students who played all in and gave it their all on the first day.
After a fun-filled afternoon, it was time to have some free time, dinner, and relax for a little while, before partaking in our Board Break. The Board Break is a mindset belief exercise we use for all ages ran by two of our best coaches Matt our impact Director and Maddi our Program Coordinator. The students and teachers are given a piece of pinewood where they can write down a limiting belief (something that may be holding them back) and an empowering belief (a strategy to help them achieve their limiting belief) Once the students have that written down they get to break the board with their hand. The atmosphere in the room is off the chain as they all support each other. The aim of this exercise is to leave the students believing more within and about themselves.
On day two the students started with the induction of morning intentions, and the power of choosing who they wanted to be for the day. A game got everybody ready for another FUN and BUSY day. The Students had 4 rotations scheduled, all of them being the same as day 1. Before we knew it, it was time for our EPIC Monster Course. The students not only completed our muddy challenge once… but TWICE. Great effort on all teams who PLAYED ALL IN and got comfortable being uncomfortable.
Day three started with some Gratitude and taking a moment to think about things to be thankful for. Another game was played before finishing our last two rotations of activities. Before everyone knew it, it was lunchtime! A final wrap up was had before some lucky students where rewarded to their dedication to the Five Keys.
Those lucky WINNERS where
1- Hough
2- Darcy
3- Will
4- Lochan
5- Finn
6- Kobi
7- Alec
These lucky 7 got to take a ride in our World War 2 Army Tank and drove over a car. How awesome! Congratulation to you all!
1st place 12.55 (Fantastic Five)
2nd place = 13.28 (Cheese Cake)
3rd place = 16.21 Midnight Chocolate)
1st place = 20.10 mins (The Idiots)
2nd place = 9.20 mins (Cheese Cake)
3rd place = 8.10 mins (Midnight Chocolate)
From all of us at The Summit we hope you continue to challenge your beliefs, push your boundaries, chase your dreams, and remember no matter what ‘ If you think you can or you think you can’t… you are right. BIG SMILES and good luck for the rest of the year, your coaches; Ash, Mia, Mads, Matt, Paris, Ella, Logan, Steph Zoe, and Liam.